
Jewelry + Gems

Creative Direction | Art Direction | Advertising Design | Merchandising Design

Argyle Mine | "Beyond Rare"

Argyle Mine | "Beyond Rare"

The world’s only consistent source of pink diamonds, Argyle accounts for more than 90% of the world’s pink diamond supply. This treasure-trove will not continue in perpetuity.

GIA | "Encyclopedia of Gems"

GIA | "Encyclopedia of Gems"

GIA | "Know Your Diamond"

GIA | "Know Your Diamond"

As creators of the 4Cs and the International Diamond Grading System,™ GIA is known for the kind of unbiased, scientific information that has guided diamond buyers for generations.

GIA | "Jewels of the Trade"

GIA | "Jewels of the Trade"

Art Direction. Rahul Kadakia, International Head of Jewelry at Christie’s.

GIA | Global Trade

GIA | Global Trade

From labs on three continents, to schools in eleven countries, to research communicated worldwide, GIA connects the gem trade to the knowledge essential to their business. Visit

Platinum Guild International (PGI) | "The Metal Matters"

Platinum Guild International (PGI) | "The Metal Matters"

Platinum is well worth the higher price point for the engagement buyer and is superior to white gold. The strongest precious metal shines in DTC pint featured in Architectural Digest and Vogue Magazine. Agency, The Shand Group.

Rio Tinto | "Diamonds With a Story""

Rio Tinto | "Diamonds With a Story""

The distinguished provenance of the Rio Tinto family of diamond mines is meaningful to the trade.

Rio Tinto | "Diamonds With a Story""

Rio Tinto | "Diamonds With a Story""

The origin story told here is passed through the trade to the buyer. Rio Tinto is one of the world's largest producers of rough diamonds. Argyle in Western Australia is the largest supplier of the highly coveted Argyle pink and red diamonds. The Diavik in Canada's Northwest Territories yields stunning white gems, produced to the highest possible standards of safety and integrity.

Platinum Guild International (PGI), “Precious Platinum.”

Platinum Guild International (PGI), “Precious Platinum.”

The best jewelry designers create engagement rings using only platinum for its beauty and strength. Print advertising in women’s magazines poses “which platinum?” not “if platinum. In men’s magazines, help is on the way.