

Brand Strategy | Branding | Graphic Design | Production Supervision

Rio Tinto, "Diamonds With a Story"

Rio Tinto, "Diamonds With a Story"

Explore the beauty and distinct provenance of raw diamonds from Rio Tinto mines worldwide. The origin story told here is passed through the trade to the buyer. Rio Tinto is one of the world's largest producers of rough diamonds. Argyle in Western Australia is the largest supplier of the highly coveted Argyle pink and red diamonds. The Diavik in Canada's Northwest Territories yields stunning white gems, produced to the highest possible standards of safety and integrity. A customized QR code leads trade buyers to Select Diamantaire dealers.

Allegiant Private Advisors, "Customized Wealth Management."

Allegiant Private Advisors, "Customized Wealth Management."

A newly branded capabilities brochure designed for referral sources and new clients features a double gatefold conversation tool.

Allegiant Private Advisors, "Built To Be Your Advocate."

Allegiant Private Advisors, "Built To Be Your Advocate."

A brand refresh in 2020 elevates the growing team and the proprietary financial research. Find Allegiant here.

Marshall Business School, USC, Los Angeles, California

Marshall Business School, USC, Los Angeles, California

The Dean’s Report highlights a new 360° perspective on MBA education. Metallic silver duotones reflect the energy within the active faculty portraits. Visit marshall.usc.edu